Monday, June 27, 2011

Measurement - Weight games

Mass is a measure of how heavy something is. Scales can be used to measure mass.

A set of scales

Metric units of mass

Mass is measured in grams (g), kilograms (kg) and tonnes. These are known as metric units of mass.
1 kg = 1000 g
1 tonne = 1000 kg
Remember when estimating mass:
  • 100g is about the mass of a small apple.
  • 1 kg is the mass of a bag of sugar or a litre of water.
Do you know the correct answers?  Have a look at these weight games!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Graham Braddock

On Wednesday, 9 June the famous artist Graham Braddock visited our school.  We were very excited to learn from such a famous artist.  
 We have learnt that the closer objects are the larger they appear and the closer objects are the smaller they appear.  The closer objects are, the more detail you can see and the further away objects are the, the less detail you can see.

The further away objects are the softer the colours and the closer objects are, the stronger the colours.

It was so cool to see a real artist at work.       
Here is his finished piece - it is really beautiful.
Look at our lovely drawings.  We are very pleased with what we have done.  We will dye our pictures in class.
Very busy artists at work - showing off they're amazing artwork.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



 We did forward rolls.

We tried different actions using the hoops.
We balanced on the high beam without falling off.
We could spring and land on two feet off the box.
We jumped on the trampoline and did half turns landing on both feet.
We practiced to balance with and on different equipment.
We did backwards rolls.