Monday, December 5, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011


See if you can fold this twirling bird.  It looks SO cool when it's done.  Give it a try!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guy Fawkes - By Colin Li

Every November people in England and New Zealand celebrate Guy Fawkes. On this day people remember the time when Guy Fawkes and his friends wanted to blow up the Parliament Building in England, with the king inside. Queen Elizabeth 1 made laws against the Catholic churches. The Catholic people wanted King James 1 to change the laws, but he didn’t. He even made more laws. A group of men plotted to put gunpowder under the Parliament Building and blow it up. Guy Fawkes was given the job to watch over the gunpowder and to light the fuse. In the meantime one of the men went and told the soldiers what they’ve planned. The soldiers caught Guy Fawkes and he was taken to the Tower Of London. After being tortured he came out of the truth, Guy Fawkes was then executed. The event is still remembered by fireworks and bonfires.

Fun Brain

This is a fabulous site!!  Try these games and post a comment on how you did.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Welcome back! Term 4

Welcome back!!  What an awesome holiday it was.  The All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup!!  Congratulations to them – Well done boys!!!
This term is going to be packed with goodies.  We are going to investigate all the different  cultural celebrations that are happening this time of the year.  There are Halloween, Divali, Guy Fawkes Day and then……. Yes you’ve guessed it,  Christmas Celebrations!!!! Do you know of any other celebrations that are happening?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Richie McCaw

   And here he is... our class hero, Richie McCaw!!!!!         

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Drumming Show Clip

Interactive Drumming Performance

The presenters, Johnny and Lucy on the drums. 

 Who knew that drums could sound this good!!!!

On Monday 22nd August we had an interactive Drumming show at Everglade School.  The whole performance was entirely performed through mime as part of their signature theme "Action Speaks Louder than Words"  Each child was given an African styled hand drum that they used to participate in a highly energising, healthy, positive and very entertaining fun filled activity.
Look at us beating those drums!!!!!!!! 
Johnny was absolutely amazing!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


After a relaxing holiday we are back and eager to get started with Term 3!  This term is packed with amazing activities and awesome learning.  We are going to do lots of Visual Art for our Art exhibition in week 6.
We are going to be scientists and discover which objects float in water and which ones sink and discover the reasons behind this.
AND.......... then it is the RUGBY WORLD CUP!  How exciting!  Who is your favourite team?  My favourite player has to be Daniel Carter.  Who is your favourite player? Will the All Blacks finally be able to bring the cup home once again?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The week of 4 - 8 July is Maori week.  We had a very special group of Maori performers performing at our school.  They shared some Maori legends and myths with us through song and dance.
This was truely an amazing show that every child and teacher enjoyed. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Measurement - Weight games

Mass is a measure of how heavy something is. Scales can be used to measure mass.

A set of scales

Metric units of mass

Mass is measured in grams (g), kilograms (kg) and tonnes. These are known as metric units of mass.
1 kg = 1000 g
1 tonne = 1000 kg
Remember when estimating mass:
  • 100g is about the mass of a small apple.
  • 1 kg is the mass of a bag of sugar or a litre of water.
Do you know the correct answers?  Have a look at these weight games!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Graham Braddock

On Wednesday, 9 June the famous artist Graham Braddock visited our school.  We were very excited to learn from such a famous artist.  
 We have learnt that the closer objects are the larger they appear and the closer objects are the smaller they appear.  The closer objects are, the more detail you can see and the further away objects are the, the less detail you can see.

The further away objects are the softer the colours and the closer objects are, the stronger the colours.

It was so cool to see a real artist at work.       
Here is his finished piece - it is really beautiful.
Look at our lovely drawings.  We are very pleased with what we have done.  We will dye our pictures in class.
Very busy artists at work - showing off they're amazing artwork.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



 We did forward rolls.

We tried different actions using the hoops.
We balanced on the high beam without falling off.
We could spring and land on two feet off the box.
We jumped on the trampoline and did half turns landing on both feet.
We practiced to balance with and on different equipment.
We did backwards rolls.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Clever inventors busy inventing in Room 9

Inventions by Rm9

Inventions by Rm9

Jump to it Performance.

As part of the NZ Storylines Festival, Perform Ed came to our school to present their "Jump to It".  This production featured a selection of the finalist books from the NZ Post Book Awards for Children and Young Adults.  This show promotes literacy and reading.

The show was so much fun, and everybody had the greatest time.  It has shown the limitless possibilities offered by books and reading.

This Production has also dealt with specific personal development issues such as Self Esteem, Bullying, Anger Management and Co-operation.

The performers were highly interactive with the children with the funny and appealing characters, loads of comedy, irrisistable songs and high energy dancing.  What a great show!! 

Swimming lessons.

We have great instructors.  They have been showing as all the steps to become great swimmers.

 We had so much fun floating on the noodles.  Everybody did a great job!!

It is so important for all children to be able to swim.  By having the skills we can keep ourselves safe in the water, and could even save someone's life!!!We have been very lucky to have had this oppurtunity and we want to thank Manukau City Council for the free swimming lessons they have been giving us!!!