Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guy Fawkes - By Colin Li

Every November people in England and New Zealand celebrate Guy Fawkes. On this day people remember the time when Guy Fawkes and his friends wanted to blow up the Parliament Building in England, with the king inside. Queen Elizabeth 1 made laws against the Catholic churches. The Catholic people wanted King James 1 to change the laws, but he didn’t. He even made more laws. A group of men plotted to put gunpowder under the Parliament Building and blow it up. Guy Fawkes was given the job to watch over the gunpowder and to light the fuse. In the meantime one of the men went and told the soldiers what they’ve planned. The soldiers caught Guy Fawkes and he was taken to the Tower Of London. After being tortured he came out of the truth, Guy Fawkes was then executed. The event is still remembered by fireworks and bonfires.


Marsha said...

good writing colin.

rohan said...

good writting it good story

Gloria said...

good work colin!!!

Colin Li said...

I'm a bit shy…

Gloria said...

don't be shy Colin everyone is saying good things about your work lol :D